Previously we learnt how to come to terms with the decree of Allah Ta’ala. We also discovered how we should look at the bigger picture by diverting our attention to the never ending heavenly abode for the people who succeed in this test of life. This is part two of a three part series.
Sickness and poverty will be accepted to be the will of Allah Ta’ala, but can a person being incompetent justify himself by attributing his laziness and procrastination to Qadr? Won’t that also be seen as being pleased with the decree of Allah Ta’ala?
The correct understanding is that we should be pleased with whatever comes from Allah and we acknowledge that procrastination and other such bad character traits are weaknesses which stem from within us. Therefore, we cannot be lax in these matters.
We fulfil our duty to Allah Ta’ala and work towards doing good which will draw us closer to Him. We cannot afford to be complacent when making an effort. Thereafter, we should wholly accept whatever unfolds as can be understood from the following incident:
Abdullah bin Umar’s رضي الله عنه son became ill. This affected Sayyiduna Abdullah رضي الله عنه so much so that people began to say, “We fear that this old man is going to be adversely affected (out of worry) for his son.”
His son passed away. When Abdullah bin Umar رضي الله عنهم came for the Janaazah, people saw that he was very happy. Someone asked him about this.
Ibn ‘Umar رضي الله عنه replied, “My extreme worry was only out of compassion for my son, but now that the Decree of Allah Ta’ala has come to pass, I will be pleased with it.”
(Ibn Abi d-Dunya in his compilation ‘Al-Ridaa ‘AnIllah’)
How to Attain Ridhaa
Ridhaa is the direct result of having recognition of Allah (Ma’rifah). It is wholeheartedly accepting the decree of Allah Ta’ala and being pleased with it.
A person going through a difficult phase in life was once told to ask Allah for ease (Aafiyah), he replied, “I love whatever Allah has loved for me.”
The further we progress in our path to recognise Allah, the more we begin to appreciate everything that He has decided for us. Different trying conditions will often present themselves before an ‘Aarif (gnostic) to further strengthen the level of his Ma’rifah (recognition). He will most definitely be made to swallow the bitter pill of patience but knows that by accepting the situations afflicting him, the sweetness of Ridhaa bil-Qadha will surely follow. (However, this is not to say that we should remain silent and be pacifists in the face of oppression.)
As our recognition of Allah Ta’ala progresses, we will advance onto another level; love (Mahabbah). It is at this stage that the happenings of Taqdeer, no matter how much we are shaken to the core and our resolve challenged, no matter how trying the circumstances which present themselves are, our heart will be filled with nothing but the love of Allah.
عذابك فيك عذب * و بعده فيك قرب
و أنت عندي كروحي * بل أنت منها أحب
حسبي من الحب أني * لما تحب أحب
‘Punishment for Your sake holds sweetness,
That which usually causes distance only brings proximity,
(Allah!), You are as dear to me as my soul, rather, more beloved
It suffices me in love, that (Oh Allah), I love what You love.’
We should strive in seeking Ma’rifah through the proofs and then practice on the requirements of this Ma’rifah as this will nurture love (Mahabbah).
In a Hadeeth Qudsi, Allah Almighty has said:
لا يزال العبد يتقرب إليّ بالنوافل حتى أحبه، فإذا أحببته كنت سمعه الذي يسمع به، و بصره الذي يبصر به
“A servant constantly seeks proximity to me through carrying out voluntary acts of worship (Nawafil) until I love him. When I love him, I become his hearing with which he hears and his sight with which he sees.” (Bukhari)
The person who reaches this stage is truly privileged.
اللهم ارزقنا الرضا بالقضاء, والصبر على البلاء, والفوز يوم اللقاء
Oh Allah! Bestow on us contentment upon your decree,
patience upon trial and success on the day we meet You.
(Adapted from Ibn ul-Jawzi’s section on ‘Being Pleased with the decree of Allah’ in his book ‘Sayd ul-Khaatir’ رحمه الله)
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