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2. The Qur'an as Advice

An attribute is a construct whereby objects or individuals can be distinguished.

In this series, which comprises of four parts, we will be discussing four attributes of the Noble Quran.

The first characteristic of the Quran mentioned in Sura Yunus (10), Aayah 47 is:

“Maw’ithah”- An Advice.

In Sura Noor, Ayah 34, Allah Almighty tells us: “And indeed We have sent down for you Āyāt (verses, revelations) that make things clear, and an example of those who passed away before you, and ‘Maw’ithah’- an advice for those who seek to be righteous.”

In essence, what is “advice”?

Advice is defined as “A proposal for an appropriate course of action.”

If we recite the book of Allah with the intention of sourcing these advices and practising on them, we will find ourselves on the path of the righteous.

What does Allah propose to us in the Glorious Quran?

Our purpose of life is ultimately to gain the Ridaa (pleasure) of Allah. Once Allah is pleased with us, we will be successful in both lives.

Take the example of a student. Once the student enrols in an institution, he has agreed to adhere to the rules laid down by that particular institution. These rules and regulations will be a proposal, a guide, which the student is expected to obey. If the student breaks these rules, there will be consequences, in some instances the student may also be expelled, while if these rules are meticulously adhered to, the student will become the ‘hero of the class” or as many say “the teacher’s pet’.

Similarly, we have entered into the institution of Islam, by reciting the Shahadah and proclaiming ourselves as Muslims. Once we enter into the institution of Islam, we are given the proposal of a course of action by Allah. If we want to become one of these “heroes”, or as we will call them, ‘Ahlullah’(Allah’s chosen servants), we need to act upon these advices in the Quran and follow them carefully. If we fail to follow this guidance during our stay in the institution of life, then similar to a disobedient student, we will only experience grief and sorrow.

Allah Almighty warns us of the consequences of failing to follow the “Maw’ithah” –prescribed advice of Quran. Allah Almighty says in Sura Taha (20), Aayah 124:

“But whosoever turns away from my reminder (Al-Quran), verily for him is a life of hardship, and we shall raise him up blind on the Day of Resurrection.” May Allah save us!

How does Allah advise us in Qur’an?

Allah Almighty is our Khaaliq. Our creator. He created this world, the surrounding environment as well as the various conditions that He has placed us in. When we ponder over this, we can only conclude that it is solely through acting upon the advices of the Quran that we can find our grounding in this life. It’s advices come in many forms, informing us about the reality of life, motivating us so that we work towards the success in the next life, spurring us on to good deeds, and advising against sin and temptation.

What is it that makes the “advice” of the Qur’an superior?

Allah Almighty uses the words “Min Rabbikum”- From your Lord. These words elevate the advice to another level, as they show that the Quran has not originated from the mind of a feeble, weak human being, but in fact are from Al-Qahhar (The Dominant Being), Malikal Mulk (The King of kings), Allah himself.

In order to understand this divine advice, we need to sit at the feet of the learned scholars, and refrain from making our own explanations and applying our rationale to the words of Allah.

May we be of those fortunate ones who strive diligently in adopting the lofty advice of Al-Quran.


Next we will discuss the attribute of Quran being ‘SHIFA’ – a cure.

HifzTips 2 January 2025
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